Whew thats a lot of noodles.

to this.

I guess I could put it in my .lilypondvim as a key binding that will lay
it down automatically....

Or is there a way to add it to lilypond so that it will know what fine
and da capo are???


On Sun, 2003-08-03 at 20:55, Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
> Hi,
> As I am experimenting with LilyPond in Scheme, and as some users in
> this list where recently wondering about da capos, segnos, etc, I tried
> to find out how to automate this segno / fine / dal segno / da capo
> process.
> I have made a first attempt, which seems promising (for my own
> scores at least), even if it's far from perfect now. All the signs are
> describe in a form like:
> #(def-dacapo
>   (skip 0 0 1 1)  ; s1*1
>   (segno)         ; put a segno mark
>   (skip 0 0 2 1)  ; s1*2
>   (fine)          ; put a "fine" mark
>   (skip 0 0 3 1)  ; s1*3
>   (dalsegno))     ; put a "dal segno" mark
> It sets two variables, marksUp and marksDown (Voice contexts), with
> appropriate marks and skips, that can then be used in the \score
> block.
> The result? see:
> http://nicolas.sceaux.free.fr/lilypond/scheme-hacks.html#dacapoexamples
> Optional arguments may added to the (segno), (dacapo), etc, functions,
> so that the mark should be raised / shifted if wanted.
> Regards,
> Nicolas Sceaux
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