Hi Aaron

I'm not sure you'll find them convenient, as it's 100% scheme, but
nerver mind. I have worked a bit on my scheme utilities for
generating marks.

explains what to do to use them your own scores.

Here is a commented example:

------------------------ marks-example.ly ------------------------
% the following lines aim at loading the relevant guile libraries
  (ice-9 optargs)
  (lilypond utils)
  (lilypond markups)
  ((lilypond music) :renamer (symbol-prefix-proc 'mus:))
  (lilypond marks))

% here we define where marks appears in the scores
% that block means, approximatively:
% s1 \segno s1*2 \fine s1*3 \dalsegno
% (segno #:up 2 3 #:down -2 -3) means
% that the segno mark will have a (2 . 3) offset in the
% up context, and a (-2 . -3) offset in the down context.
% all these arguments are optional.

#(def-marks (#:down marksDown #:up marksUp)
  (skip 0 0 1 1)
  (segno #:up 2 3 #:down -2 -3)
  (skip 0 0 2 1)
  (fine #:down 0 -2)
  (skip 0 0 3 1)
  (dalsegno #:down -1 -2))

% two contexts have been created: marksDown and marksUp.
% They can be used in the \score block
\score {
  \context StaffGroup <
    \context Staff = violino <
      \context Voice = mesnotes {
        \notes \relative c'' { 
          \clef treble 
          c4 c c c | c4 c c c | c4 c c c |
          c4 c c c | c4 c c c | c4 c c c | } } >
    \context Staff = bassi <
      \context Voice = bass {
        \notes {
          \clef bass
          c4 c c c | c4 c c c | c4 c c c |
          c4 c c c | c4 c c c | c4 c c c | } } > >

        \translator{ \ScoreContext \remove "Mark_engraver" }
        \translator{ \VoiceContext \consists "Mark_engraver" } }

Other marks can be defined and used in a `def-marks' block, thanks 
to the `def-signs' and `def-style' utilities.


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