Looks like a bug to me! The same happens in version 1.7.30.
I tried changing the visibility of both the bar lines and
the span bar lines but nothing changes.


Fabio dos Santos wrote:
Hi Mats,

I have looked at where you pointed out. However, it could not find any
answers to my problems. I'm sending an example to try to explain what I

In the first moviment (1 -- Cortejo), the begining of every system
doesn't have a bar-line. In contrast, the second movement (2 --
Serenata), the begining of the both systems have the bar-lines at their
beginning. I want that barline only when I have more then 2 staffs per
system (so, in this case, only in the second system of the Serenata),
and the other bars exactly like the systems in the first movement.

So, I'm wondering, which grobs do I tune? I tried tweaking the
Grandstaff.Barline #'break-visibility, but that yielded no result. . .


Em Ter, 2003-08-05 às 10:36, Mats Bengtsson escreveu:

Did you use the built-in support for "Frenched scores"?
This is described in the reference manual, but the naming
has changed between versions:
In version 1.6.x, look for "Hara kiri staves" in the section
"Writing parts". In the latest 1.7.x versions, look for the
subsection "Frenched scores" in the section called "Orchestral Music".

Fabio dos Santos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


\version "1.6.5"
\include "paper20.ly"

\header {
title = "Serenata Noturna" subtitle = "para Orquestra de Cordas"
composer = "Henrique de Curitiba \\\ Morozowicz -- 1981"
instrument = "Violino I"
poet = "para Camerata\\\ Antiqua de Curitiba"
tagline = ""
head = "Violino I"

\paper {
orientation = portrait
papersize = "a4"
linewidth = 160

cortejoVLNA = \notes { \clef violin \key c \major
\time 2/4
\context Voice { < g4->-\ff d'4 b'4^#"non-div." > } r4 | b'4-> ( ) a'8-. r8 | \times 2/3 { b'8--^#"marc." cis''8.-- r32 d''32-- } \times 2/3 { d''8-- e''8-- fis''8-- } | fis''4-\sf ( ) d'8-. r8 |

<g4-> e'4 b'4> r4 | \property Voice.Slur \set #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 1)
d''4.-> ( ) b'8-. | \property Voice.Slur \revert #'extra-offset
\times 2/3 { d''8--^#"marc." e''8.-- r32 fis''32-- } \times 2/3 { fis''8-- gis''8-- a''8-- } |
b''4-\sf ( ) fis'8-. r8 | <g4-> d'4 b'4> r4 |

b'4-> ( ) a'8-. r8 | \times 2/3 { b'8--^#"marc." cis''8.-- r32 d''32-- } \times 2/3 { d''8-- e''8-- fis''8-- } | fis''4-\sf ( ) d'8-. r8 | <c'4-> a'4 d''4> r4 | \property Voice.Slur \set #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 1)
d''4.-> () b'8-. | \property Voice.Slur \revert #'extra-offset }

serenataSolo = \notes { \clef "treble" \key c \major \time 3/4

s2. * 12

cis''4. dis''8 fis'8 gis''8 | b''8 cis''8 fis''4 cis'''8 fis'''8 | b''4 r4 r4 | }

serenataVLNA = \notes { \clef "treble" \key c \major \time 3/4

e''8 e''8 r8 d''8 gis'8 a'8 | e''8 e''8 r8 d''8 a'4 | e''8 e''8 r8 d''8 aes'8 a'8 | e''8 e''8 r8 d''8 a'8 r8 | <des'8 e'8> <des'8 e'8> r8 <des'8 e'8> <des'8 e'8> r8 |

<b8 e'8> <b8 e'8> r8 <b8 e'8> <b8 e'8> <b8 e'8> | <b2 b'2> <e'4 e''4> | <des'4. des''4.> <b'8 b''8> <a'4 a''4> | a'8 a'8 r8 a'8 a'8 r8 | a'8 a'8 r8 a'8 a'8 a'8 |

a'8 a'8 r8 a'8 a'8 r8 | a'8 a'8 r8 a'8 a'8 a'8 | b'8 b'8 r8 b'8 b'8 r8 | b'8 b'8 r8 b'8 b'8 b'8 | a'8 a'8 r8 a'8 a'8 a'8 | }

% Partes para o Violino I.

\score {
\context Staff = ViolinA < \cortejoVLNA>
\header { piece = "1 --- Cortejo \\\ \\textup{\small Energético e Marcato}" } }

\score {
\context GrandStaff = violinsI < \context Staff = solo \serenataSolo
\context Staff = violinoI \serenataVLNA >
\header { piece = "2 --- Serenata \\\ \\textup{\small Andante Piacevole}" }
\paper {
orientation = portrait
papersize = "a4"
linewidth = 160
\translator { \HaraKiriStaffContext } } }

-- ============================================= Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe =============================================

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