Wed, 07 Apr 2004 18:02:52 -0700, Paul a dit : 

 >>>> Don't forget about the quick-note-insert mode (lyqi) in
 >>>> Emacs.  It provides a good bunch of things, can even
 >>>> transpose and relativise parts.
 >>> I had never heard of this before.  I just looked and don't
 >>> know where to find it in the manual.  Is it there?
 >> Probably not.  It should be part of the Emacs mode, but it's
 >> maintained separately.
 >>> It does have one or two problems when the default language
 >>> is English - sharp and flat are reversed and I don't a
 >>> quick way to cancel a flat.
 >> Hmm, it works for me.  I use version 0.2.4 from
 > With language english and octaves relative 'e' gives me a sharp ('s')
 > and 'i' gives me a flat ('f').  Since 'is' is sharp and 'es' is flat
 > in several languages that seems reversed.
 > What key do you use to cancel a flat or sharp?

 > I just downloaded it following instructions on his web site but now I
 > see I *do* have an earlier version.  Examining that lisp code the
 > error is clear but I will install a newer version and see what happens.

 > Ok  I see that I haven't correctly installed the newer version which
 > indeed does have this bug fixed.

I am currently working again on lyqi (adding support of chords among
other things). It's not ready yet; but it will be cleaner (easier to
extend) than the available version. I have then no objection of
letting it go and join LilyPond-mode...


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