Thu, 8 Apr 2004 00:41:18 +0200, Erik a dit : 

 > Is there at all any list of links to lilypond-related software anywhere? There 
 > are lots of lilypond related things Out There, which new users should be 
 > aware of (such as editors with special lilypond modes, helper scripts, other 
 > music software which provide lilypond output, Denemo, Mutopia, etc.)

 > If nothing else, then perhaps the wiki could contain a page dedicated to this? 
 > Which in turn the official lily docu could link to?

 > I was asked just a few days ago by a friend who is new to lilypond, about 
 > which editor he should use. i could only name 3 of them, {vim,emacs,jedit}, 
 > and I still don't know if there are any other editors.

There are some links in the LilyPond FAQ (near the end of the page):


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