Ben, thank for letting me know about the attachments not being allowed. I didn't know 
that. I thought I was making it easier for anyone to help me. 

I did try to change the size, as I thought was shown in the manual, but didn't see any 
change on the output.

I've cut and pasted the three files in at the end of this message. Cut between lines 
"======" to reassemble them.

Thank you all for your patience and suggestions.

>>> Ben Crowell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/10/04 05:56PM >>>
I don't think this list allows attachments, so we can't see your latex code.
The lilypond-book manual shows examples of how to change the size. Did that
not work for you?

>>>> original message:
I'm sorry to ask this, but I've just gotten frustrated by working with this over the 
last two hours, and wonder if someone can get me unstuck.

I'm trying to produce two short tunes (for contra dance music) on the same page. I've 
created the two tunes in two separate files, which I've attached. I've also attached a 
file JuliaDelaney_Spootiskerry.tex, which I'm trying to use in lilypond-book to 
generate the file.

My sequence of commands is:
emacs JuliaDelaney_Spootiskerry.tex
lilypond-book --outdir=out JuliaDelaney_Spootiskerry.tex
cd out
latex JuliaDelaney_Spootiskerry.latex
dvips -o JuliaDelaney_Spootiskerry

I think the version I've attached will actually generate a viewable .ps file, but I 
have two problems with it:
1. I want to reduce the font size, so that both tunes fit on one side of a page, and
2. I want to print out the Title information, just as if I generated separate .pdf 
files for each tune, and embedded them in a single, one-page document. I read 
somewhere that the footer information would be dropped in this case, which is exactly 
what I would prefer.

Would someone please show me how to edit my JuliaDelaney_Spootiskerry.tex file to fix 
these two problems?

My assumption so far is that I could create just one file per tune, and then combine 
two tunes on a page without changing the individual 'tune-files' through the use of 
lilypond-book. Is this a correct assumption?

Thanks so much for your suggestions.

-Kevin Zembower

File JuliaDelaney_Spootiskerry.tex:
\include ""
\paper  {
  linewidth = 455.244096\pt
\version "1.9.8"
\header {
  %dedication = "dedication"
  title = "Julia Delaney"
  %subtitle = "Subtitle"
  %subsubtitle = "Subsubtitle"
  composer = "Traditional"
  %opus = "Opus 0"
  opus = "Reel"
  %piece = "Piece I"
  %instrument = "Instrument"
  %arranger = "Engraved by Ed Vanden Bosch and Kevin Zembower"
  %poet = "Poet"
  %texttranslator = "Translator"
  %copyright = "public domain"
  %source =  "urtext "
  %enteredby = "Kevin Zembower"
  %maintainerEmail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
  %texidoc = "The standard header that ought to be above a file."
  tagline = "Engraved by LilyPond, 2.0.0.\\\\Engraved by Ed Vanden Bosch and Kevin 
Zembowe\\\\Produced for the Baltimore Folk Music Society Open Band 

melody = \notes \relative c'' {

\property Score.RehearsalMark \override #'molecule-callback =
   #(make-molecule-boxer 0.15 0.3 0.3 brew-new-markup-molecule)

  \key d \minor
   \repeat volta 2 {
   \mark "A" 
   d8 c a g \times 2/3 { f8 g f } c8 f  | \times 2/3 { e8 f e } c8 e f d d4 | 
   d'8 c a g \times 2/3 { f8 g f } c8 f | a d d cis d e f e | 
   d c a g \times 2/3 { f8 g f } d8 f   | \times 2/3 { e8 f e } c8 e f d d4 | 
   d'8 c a g \times 2/3 { f8 g f } d8 f | a d d cis d2 | 
   \repeat volta 2 {
   \mark "B"
   f4 f8 e f a g f                    | \times 2/3 { e8 d c } g8 c a c g4 | 
   f8 e d e f a g f                  | e d c a a d d e |
   f4 f8 e f a g f                   | \times 2/3 { e8 d c } g'8 a a a g4 | 
   f8 e d f e d c a                  | a d d cis d2 | 

accompaniment = \chords {

\score {
    \context ChordNames \accompaniment
    \context Staff = one {
        \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
  \paper { }

\include ""
\paper  {
  linewidth = 455.244096\pt
\version "1.9.8"
\header {
  %dedication = "dedication"
  title = "Spootiskerry"
  %subtitle = "Subtitle"
  %subsubtitle = "Subsubtitle"
  composer = "Traditional"
  %opus = "Opus 0"
  opus = "Reel"
  %piece = "Piece I"
  %instrument = "Instrument"
  arranger = "Engraved by Kevin Zembower"
  %poet = "Poet"
  %texttranslator = "Translator"
  %copyright = "public domain"
  %source =  "urtext "
  %enteredby = "Kevin Zembower"
  %maintainerEmail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
  %texidoc = "The standard header that ought to be above a file."
  tagline = "Engraved by LilyPond, 2.0.0.\\\\Produced for the Baltimore Folk Music 
Society Open Band ("

melody = \notes \relative c' {

\property Score.RehearsalMark \override #'molecule-callback =
   #(make-molecule-boxer 0.15 0.3 0.3 brew-new-markup-molecule)

  \key g \major
  \partial 4
   \repeat volta 2 {
   d8 e | 
   \mark "A" 
   g4 d8 e g d d g  | d e g a b4 a8 b  | g4 d8 e g a b d  | 
   e g e d b4 a8 b         | g4 d8 e g d d g  | d e g a b4 a8 b  | 
   g'4 e8 d e d b a        | 
   b2 g4 g4 
   \partial 4 
   e'8 fis |
   \mark "B"
   g4 fis8 d e d b4  |b8 a b g e4 d8 e  |g8 a b d e g e d  |b4 a a e'8 fis|
   g4 fis8 d e d b4  |b8 a b g e4 d8 e  |g8 a b d e g e d  |b4 a a e'8 fis|
   g4 fis8 d e d b4  |b8 a b g e4 d8 e  |g8 a b d e g e d  |b4 a a d,8 d  |
   g4 d8 e g d d g   |d e g a b4 a8 b   |g'4 e8 d e d b a  |b2 g4 g4

accompaniment = \chords {
  \partial 4 s4
  g1       g          g2 e:m    a:m  d
  g1       g          c         a2:m g2
  \partial 4 s4
  e1:m     e2:m c2    g2 c2     a2:m d
  e1:m     e2:m c2    g1        d2 g
  e1:m     e2:m c2    g2 c2     a2:m d
  g1       g1         c2 d2     d2 g2

\score {
    \context ChordNames \accompaniment
    \context Staff = one {
        \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
  \paper { }

Thanks, again, for all your help and suggestions.

-Kevin Zembower

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