Thanks you got what I wanted!

I almost resorted to doing 
        \autoBeamOff cis8. \autoBeamOn a16  d8. a16 | 

This works!
        cis8.\noBeam a16  d8. a16 | 

=)           Joshua

======= At 2004-05-28, 04:20:57 you wrote: =======

>On Thursday 27 May 2004 17.59, you wrote:
>> well, it began as im tried to typeset some music for mutopia,
>> so i came across this section of the code where i didnt seem to match
>> lilypond output with the publishing style. it was some time ago, when my
>> hdd burnt, then i stop using lilypond for some while... so now perphaps its
>> fixed, or there's some simple way to do, or could still be done with some
>> hackary.
>> d8. a'16 d8. a16 | % check beaming
>> d8. [] a'16 d8. a16 | % Works but warning msgs are generated
>> d8. a'16[ d8. a16] | % wrong grouping
>> d8.] a'16 d8. a16 | % no difference
>> d8.][ a'16 d8. a16 | % Warnings?
>> d8.[ a'16 d8. a16 | % no difference?
>> d8. [a']16 d8. a16 | % no difference?
>> [d8.] a'16 d8. a16 | % Warnings?
>I'm not 100% sure I understood you correctly, but this might be what you want:
>d8.\noBeam a'16 d8. a16 |

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Best regards.                            
Joshua Koo

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