
 this is the way how I finally had to do it in my piece, but
unfortunately this method doesn't work very well in orchestra parts
where instruments are changed (like Clarinets changing between Eb, Bb
and Bassclarinet, or French Horns changing from G-Clef to F-Clef) as
you either have to compensate for the transposition (which means you
have to be aware of the context, an instrument change is happening
in), or to not wrap the whole part in the transpose statement, but the
sections with the individual instruments.

Especially if you split the music into multiple sections this is
asking for trouble as you either have to live with dangling open
braces between sections or restate an instrument change which already
has happened.


Am Sonntag, den 19. April 2015 um 19:20:57 Uhr (-0700) schrieb H. S. Teoh:
> This is not hard to implement at all, you just have to set things up
> appropriately. I also always write at concert pitch, and I use a
> combination of \transposition and \transpose so that the part is printed
> with the correct transposition. Here's roughly how I do it:
>       clarinetIPart = \relative c'' {
>               ... % clarinet music here
>       }
>       clarinetIIPart = \relative c'' {
>               ... % clarinet music here
>       }
>       clarinets = new Staff {
>               set Staff.instrumentName = #"Clarinets in B\flat I, II"
>               \transposition bes
>               \transpose bes c' \partcombine
>                       \clarinetIPart \clarinetIIPart
>       }
> The music in \clarinetIPart and \clarinetIIPart is written in concert
> pitch. Later on, \clarinets is used to create the conductor's score with
> the right transpositions applied. A similar setup is used for generating
> parts for the individual clarinets with the right transpositions.
> Of course, all this can probably be encapsulated in a convenient macro
> that takes a single argument specifying the transposition relative to
> c', and generates the requisite commands to make it all work.
> T
> -- 
> Why are you blatanly misspelling "blatant"? -- Branden Robinson
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