Am 22.04.2015 um 20:33 schrieb Werner LEMBERG:
The current workaround, of course, is to use \tag around the
section(s) in question. In particular, that method [relatively]
easily solves “hide these 16 measures” types of situations (like my
Example #2) and “depending on the version/edition, use either THIS
or THIS” (like my Example #1). But hunting down each chunk of code —
spread, as it is, across several global variables and 60-some other
notes and lyrics variables — is painful.
I guess that lilypond's point-and-click feature can help here.

Ideally, you mark a vertically tall but horizontally small rectangle
in the PDF with your mouse, and all marked links do open within the
editor – no idea whether there is a PDF viewer that supports that...

I think this should be a rather trivial extension to Frescobaldi's point-and-click implementation, just extending the "open" feature to all selected grobs. But I'm not sure if it would help that much. If I have a score of 20 staves It would simply open 25 files (don't forget the partcombined) at once, which would probably be more painful than clicking on the notes one after another. I think this would become interesting if Frescobaldi would then be able to determine the surrounding measure borders and apply something to these. But *this* is all but trivial. It would have to take into account that the currently selected music may be defined anywhere in variables that may be reused - you can't simply cut something out from such a variable, you'd never know what side effects this could have. And the IDE would have to know by itself if there are removed empty staves - of course any music would also have to be cut out from such pausing staves.

Just a few thoughts.

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