Hey paul

if the markup is all on one it takes only one staff padding. What i mean is
each markup is based off of what you attach it to. so a trick I do is put
them in one markup then all you need to do is center under each with halign.

here is an example
Also i am not sure why you wanted Vb ... but it does say Exam so...


\paper {

indent = 0

top-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #10

score-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #20

system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #20

last-bottom-spacing #'basic-distance = #10


I = \markup {I}

IV = \markup {IV}

V = \markup {V}

Vb = \markup {V \raise #1 \tiny\flat}

roman = \markup {\I \halign #-1.5 {\IV} \halign #-1 {\V} \halign #-2.2

global = {

\key d \major


\time 4/4


sopMusic = \relative c'' {

% measure 1

fis4\( d cis8[ b] a4

% measure 2

b b a2\)

% measure 3

e'4\( d8[ e] fis4 g

% measure 4

fis4 d e2\)

% measure 5

b4\( d8[ cis] b[ cis d e]

% measure 6

fis4 e d2\)

% measure 7

d4\( b a e'

% measure 8

d cis d2\)

\bar "|."


bassMusic = \relative c {

\override NoteHead.color = #blue

\override Stem.color = #blue

\override Accidental.color = #blue

 % measure 1

d4_\roman a a cis

% measure 2

g g a2

% measure 3

e'4 b d g,

% measure 4

d' b a2

% measure 5

b4 fis g b

% measure 6

d a b2

% measure 7

d4 b4 g a

 % measure 8

g a d2


\score {

 \new ChoirStaff <<

\new Staff = "women" <<

\new Voice = "sopranos" {


<< \global \sopMusic >>



\new Staff = "men" <<

\clef bass

\new Voice = "basses" {

\voiceTwo << \global \bassMusic >>





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