thanks indeed Stephen, its a nice idea to lump the chord symbols into "one"
than do a \markup to all notes. The Vb is just the first inversion of the
chord, the b is not
a flat symbol.
I guess one thing that puzzled me with the \override  TextScript.padding is
why the outcome didn't just add an further offset but with the same result
of the symbols going up and down following the music.
Perhaps \override means not only override the default offset, but turn off
completely the following
of the music ?


On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 12:46 AM, Stephen MacNeil <>

> Hey paul
> if the markup is all on one it takes only one staff padding. What i mean
> is each markup is based off of what you attach it to. so a trick I do is
> put them in one markup then all you need to do is center under each with
> halign.
> here is an example
> Also i am not sure why you wanted Vb ... but it does say Exam so...
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \paper {
> indent = 0
> top-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #10
> score-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #20
> system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #20
> last-bottom-spacing #'basic-distance = #10
> }
> I = \markup {I}
> IV = \markup {IV}
> V = \markup {V}
> Vb = \markup {V \raise #1 \tiny\flat}
> roman = \markup {\I \halign #-1.5 {\IV} \halign #-1 {\V} \halign #-2.2
> {\Vb}}
> global = {
> \key d \major
> \numericTimeSignature
> \time 4/4
> }
> sopMusic = \relative c'' {
> % measure 1
> fis4\( d cis8[ b] a4
> % measure 2
> b b a2\)
> % measure 3
> e'4\( d8[ e] fis4 g
> % measure 4
> fis4 d e2\)
> % measure 5
> b4\( d8[ cis] b[ cis d e]
> % measure 6
> fis4 e d2\)
> % measure 7
> d4\( b a e'
> % measure 8
> d cis d2\)
> \bar "|."
> }
> bassMusic = \relative c {
> \override NoteHead.color = #blue
> \override Stem.color = #blue
> \override Accidental.color = #blue
>  % measure 1
> d4_\roman a a cis
> % measure 2
> g g a2
> % measure 3
> e'4 b d g,
> % measure 4
> d' b a2
> % measure 5
> b4 fis g b
> % measure 6
> d a b2
> % measure 7
> d4 b4 g a
>  % measure 8
> g a d2
> }
> \score {
>  \new ChoirStaff <<
> \new Staff = "women" <<
> \new Voice = "sopranos" {
> \voiceOne
> << \global \sopMusic >>
> }
> >>
> \new Staff = "men" <<
> \clef bass
> \new Voice = "basses" {
> \voiceTwo << \global \bassMusic >>
> }
> >>
> >>
> }
> Stephen
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