Laura Conrad <> writes:

>>>>>> "Simon" == Simon Albrecht <> writes:
>     Simon> On 19.10.2015 18:01, Laura Conrad wrote:
>     >> The problem is
>     >> when entering long note values, which are common in early 16th century
>     >> music, I have to leave the keypad to type \breve and \longa
>     Simon> Except you’d enter it with shortened note values (say to 1/4)
>     Simon> and use e.g. the Frescobaldi Rhythm Tools to convert them
>     Simon> afterwards.
> If I'm reading from a modern edition that has everything shortened,
> yes.  
> If I'm reading from facsimile or a modern edition with original note
> values, I prefer to enter what's in front of me.

Well, enter 7 and 9 and do a global search and replace on the region
when you are finished.  Or teach Emacs to do that S&R right when

David Kastrup

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