Apologies for troubling you with this under-researched problem, but I've
just hit it as a deadline looms.

I'm trying to turn off the colouring of ScholarLy annotations, before
final publication:

        \version "2.19.21"
        \include "openlilylib"
        \useLibrary ScholarLY
        \useModule scholarly.annotate
        #(display "ScholarLy loaded\n")
        % ScholarLy options: see
        \setOption scholarly.annotate.export-targets #'("plaintext"
        \colorAnnotations ##f % deactivate the coloring of the annotated
        % \printAnnotations ##f % stop printing clickable messages to
        the console
        % (ScholarLy options end)

and I get the following log message:

        \useModule utility.rhythmic-location
 error: unknown escaped string: `\colorAnnotations'

The annotations remain coloured.  What am I doing wrong?

most grateful for any help
-- Graham
lilypond-user mailing list

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