Hi again, Kieren,

On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 1:58 PM, Kieren MacMillan <
kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:

> Hi David,
> > Maybe there is something more up-to-date than found at the link you
> cite. Unfortunately, this all comes from before the days I had the wisdom
> to use version control with my own stuff, so I'll have to hunt around.
> Thanks.

The version in the link appears to be where I left off, after which there
are some experiments which led nowhere.

> > I think that problems have crept into the engravers as LilyPond has
> changed in the meantime.  Possibly there is a quick fix, and the version
> you cite is workable.

I got the linked version to compile with a simple change:

Line 460 of the .ily file (function: add-grob-definition):

 (set-object-property! grob-name 'translation-type? list?)

should be

 (set-object-property! grob-name 'translation-type? ly:grob-properties?)

Another thing: if you are compiling multiple LY files, you will run into
problems.  A "fix" for this is to comment out/remove lines 88-89 in
define-grob-property.  The error arises because the property definition
persists, so it looks like we are trying to coopt an existing property name.

> Quick fixes aside, I gave up on this a long time ago, so no enhancements
> for the foreseeable future :)  (The archives give a record of the problems
> I had and couldn't solve by myself.)
> Yes, I saw posts that looked problem-y.  =\

I can see sharpening the code up.  Looks a bit verbose.  Maybe then it will
be easier to develop.

> For now, all I need is a single staff (i.e., no span) boxer with
> continuation arrows that cross barlines without trouble. So maybe you (or
> Nike) have something that works with that, and doesn’t touch any of the
> more problematic areas?
The linked code with corrections should give you what you need.  It will
not work with multiple staves,

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