I'm working on a lead sheet but being a novice i'm hitting my head against the wall at some noob problems. 

Bar 1) 
Stemlets. Do it have to be this hard creating them? Is there a way to make it global? Also, i want the stemlet to reach down towards the rest. How?
How do i make custom rehersal marks?
When using \markup { ... } the whole score looses it layout and to add insult it does not display any text. I must have done something wrong.

Bar 8)
Why does the double barline not exend equaly through both staffs?

Bar 37)
Why does it not show a double bar line?

And finally: I feel my score is a mess. How can i clean up/simplify my input? Also, inputing this takes alot of time considering how long use on inputing this in Sibelius (added as pfd). What can i do to speed this up? Help and encouragement is much obliged.

Images of lilypond and sibelius (reference) outout.

.ly attached. 

Attachment: C-Buschmann-Bad-Eye-Bill.ly
Description: Binary data

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