>  i want the stemlet to reach down towards the rest. How?

add an override like so:
\override Stem.stemlet-length = 2
(or whatever value you prefer)

> How do i make custom rehersal marks?
> When using \markup { ... } the whole score looses it layout and to add
> insult it does not display any text. I must have done something wrong.

You have to replace the "\default" with your \markup {}.

> Bar 8)
> Why does the double barline not exend equaly through both staffs?

This happens because the lower staff is smaller, so the double bar lines
are closer together. I'm not sure how to fix this off the top of my head.

> Bar 37)
> Why does it not show a double bar line?

The end of one system and the beginning of another represent the same
moment in time, so you can only specify one barline (you have tried to
specify two with a \break between them, which will not work). You need to
use a barline that specifies both: \bar ".|:-||" should do what you want.

> And finally: I feel my score is a mess. How can i clean up/simplify my
> input? Also, inputing this takes alot of time considering how long use on
> inputing this in Sibelius (added as pfd). What can i do to speed this up?
> Help and encouragement is much obliged.

I don't have much advice here. You already use some functions and
repeat-unfold to simplify things (although you could use more of the unfold
- for a whole system for example - bar checks are not necessary). I would
probably have placed the layout requirements ( \break, \bar, and so on) in
a global variable with spacer rests, which might have made it easier to
write the bulk of the score with repeat-unfold.

I've attached a version including a few of the fixes
\version "2.19.35"

\header {
  title = "Bad Eye Bill"
  subtitle = "Dr. Hook"
  composer = "C.Buschmann"
  tagline = ""  % removed

% Macro to print single slash
rs = {
  \once \override Rest #'stencil = #ly:percent-repeat-item-interface::beat-slash
  \once \override Rest #'thickness = #0.48
  \once \override Rest #'slope = #1.7

% Function to print a specified number of slashes
comp = #(define-music-function (parser location count) ( integer?)
    \override Rest #'stencil = #ly:percent-repeat-item-interface::beat-slash
    \override Rest #'thickness = #0.48
    \override Rest #'slope = #1.7
    \repeat unfold $count { r4 }
    \revert Rest #'stencil

global = {
  \time 4/4
  \key a \major
  %\tempo 4=100

chordNames = \chordmode {
  d2 a
  d a
  b e
  d2 a
  d a4 fis:m
  b e a2
  d2 a
  d a
  b e:7
  d2 a
  d a4 fis:m
  b e a2
  d2 a
  d a
  b e:7
  d2 a
  d a4 fis:m
  b e a1
  d2 a
  d a4 fis:m
  b e a2
  d2 a
  d a
  b e
  d2 a
  d a4 fis:m
  b e a2
  d2 a
  d a
  b e:7
  d2 a
  d a4 fis:m
  b e a2
  b4 e

upper = \relative c' {
  \clef treble
  \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-alphabet
  \mark \markup { \box \bold \fontsize #2 "Intro" \italic \normalsize stildefinisjon } 
  \override Stem.stemlet-length = 2
  r8[ < e a cis >8] r[ < e a cis >] r[ < e a cis >] r[ < e a cis >] |
  r[ < fis a d >] r[ < fis a d >] r[ < e a cis >] r[ < e a cis >] |
  r[ < fis a d >] r < fis a d >] r[ < e a cis >] r[ < e a cis >] |
  r[ < fis b dis >]  r[ < fis b dis >] r[ < gis b e >] r[ < gis b e >] | 
  r[ < e a cis >] r[ < e a cis >]  r[ < e a cis >] r[ < e a cis >] |
  r[ < fis a d >] r[ < fis a d >] r[ < e a cis >] r[ < e a cis >] |
  r[ < fis a d >] r[ < fis a d >] r[ < e a cis >] r[ < e a cis >] |
  r[ < fis b dis >] r[ < gis b e >]  < a cis e >4 r \bar "||"
  \mark \default \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \rs \rs \rs r4 | \bar "||"
  \mark \default \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \time 2/4
  \rs \rs 
  \time 4/4
  \rs r4 r2 | \bar "||"
  \mark \default \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \rs \rs \rs r4 | \bar "||"
  \mark \default \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \rs \rs \rs r4 | \bar ".|:-||"
  \repeat volta 2 { 
  \mark \default \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 |
  \comp4 }
    { \comp4 }
    { \time 2/4 \rs \rs |  \time 4/4 < a cis a' >-. < b d a' >-. < bis dis a' >8.-. < cis e a >16~ < cis e a >8 < a a' > | }
  \bar "|." 


lower = \relative c {
 \clef bass
  \magnifyStaff #5/7
a4 e' a,8. a16 b8 cis |
d4 a' a,8. a16 a8 ais |
d4 a' a,8. a16 a8 ais |
b4 cis8 d e e fis gis |
a4 e a, e' |
d fis a,8. a16 b8 cis |
d4 a' a,8. a16 fis'8 \override NoteHead.style = #'cross fis' |
\revert NoteHead.style b, fis e b' a4 r | 


\layout {
  \context {
    \override ChordName.font-family = #'roman
    \override ChordName.font-size = #0

\score {
    \new ChordNames \chordNames <<
    \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff = "upper" \upper
    \new Staff = "lower" \lower 

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