Excuse my replying to the wrong posting, but I can't reply to a
posting that seems to be missing from the thread.

On Fri 12 Feb 2016 at 09:48:23 (+0100), Johan Vromans wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Feb 2016 14:48:18 +0100 BB <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> wrote:
> > That works, but the long note sequence has to be repeated - exactly
> > that's what I would like to avoid.
> If entering the notes is the problem, you can put them in a variable.

On Fri, 12 Feb 2016 12:29:47 +0100 BB <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> wrote:
> The input of the notes is not the problem, one could easily copy/paste. 
> I try to shorten the sheet and make it more overseeable.

Yes, we understand your last sentence. As you said in your OP:
"Is there the use of a repetition (repeat volta) possible to shorten
the sheet music?"

It appears from the conversation quoted above that you don't
understand the concept of a repeat: that you write/print the sequence
of notes _once_ and you play it _twice_, thereby "shortening the sheet".
Halving it, in fact.

So, if you write/print the sequence of notes once, why would you want
to copy and paste them all in again?

- - -

While we're here, I might as well reply to this bit...

On Fri 12 Feb 2016 at 12:37:32 (+0100), Johan Vromans wrote:
> I've once wished for something like
>   \repeat volta 2 { AAA \alternative{{ BB1 }{ BB2 }} CCC }
> There is no (official) concept of "end of alternative".

I thought we came up with a reasonable rendition of this structure in
(particularly where the BB sections are short) though it's not a repeat
structure as far as LilyPond is concerned, so no \repeat or
\alternative commands, and no correct MIDI rendition without juggling
the chunks in variables, ie
\score { { \AAA \BB1 \CCC \AAA \BB2 \CCC } \midi { } }

> For the sheet, I would resort to just writing the first note and add a
> markup silimar to "2nd time, play XXX". Maybe write the other note on a
> small ossia staff?

This will unnecessarily prevent LilyPond using the \repeat volta
construction and so, once again, no MIDI rendition among other
concerns, eg, what about three times through; why is only one version
written on the principal staff, others being relegated to ossias; etc.

I can't help wondering what you and the OP have against a conventional
method like those depicted in
and employed in real music such as (citing just one example):


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