> I’m not having any problem with this, if I leave both grobs in the 
> default layer, or if StaffSymbol is _below_ BarLine. The whiteout on 
> BarLine seems to be too small to affect StaffSymbol – dunno why.
> HTH, Simon
Hi Simon,
I don't have a problem there either.
My primary thread was to do with the graphic markup being required under the
score markup. Apparently markup doesn't have a layer property, at least
Lilypond laughs at me when I try it.
So far, I've found a colour switch for the graphic

        \with-color #grey \override #'(filled . #t) \path #0.1 #samplePath

and Klaus has helped me get some white-out which works fine for me.

        \override Staff.StaffSymbol.whiteout = ##t

All I would like now is to get the score markup back to the top of the page
with the graphic visible behind it.
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