On Mon 04 Apr 2016 at 12:46:37 (+0200), Bernard wrote:
> On 03-04-16 22:56, David Kastrup wrote:
> >Bernard <lilyp...@bernardhulsman.nl> writes:
> >>That does help. I found out \with is a very special statement.
> >Not really.  \with can be part of other constructs, just like "else" can
> >be part of other constructs in many programming languages (including
> >Scheme).  It is not a "statement" at all.
> That does help a lot. Now I understand why there can not be anything
> before /with.
> >
> >>It influence what happens before the statement, it must be executed
> >>just after \new . That is the reason why my examples 4 and 5 did not
> >>work.
> >>And it influence what happens after the statement. If within the Staff
> >>not a additional Staff property can be set.
> >>
> >>No wonder it confuses me.
> >\with introduces "context modifications".  They are basic expressions in
> >that they can be stored in variables and passed to functions, but to
> >take effect, they need to be applied to an actually created context, and
> >there are various syntactic constructs for doing that.
> >
> >They "influence what happens after the statement" like any modification
> >to anything.  Their influence is restricted to contexts they are applied
> >to (possibly via layout or context definitions or wrapped into other
> >context modifications).
> >
> I still do not get it all. By the way, I am my self a Python
> programmer and object orientation in known to me.


Your example is incomprehensible to me as I've never used drum mode.
It's also large enough to obfuscate the problem.

Simplifying the code:


mus = { e' f' g' a' }

\markup { with section }
\score { \new Staff \with { \override NoteHead.color = #red } \mus }

\markup { with section }
\score { \new Staff \with { \override NoteHead.color = #red } { e' f' g' a' } }

%% That worked. The \with { xxx } modified the music.
%% Then you took out the \with so the { xxx } now becomes the music.
%% (Music expressions can include context modifications as well as notes.)

%% Think of python's positional parameters and keyword parameters.
%% You start with ( keyword=argument, parm ) but you remove "keyword="
%% so you're left with ( argument, parm ) and "argument" becomes a
%% positional parameter instead.

%% In LilyPond, the "first positional parameter" is the music.
%% Most LilyPond elements consist of either   \element SINGLE-value
%% or   \element { SINGLE arbitrarily complicated expression }
%% and not   \element { argument } { parm }
%% So LilyPond does not allow a "second positional parameter".

\markup { without the use of the with section }
%% generate error
\score { \new Staff { \override NoteHead.color = #red } \mus }

\markup { without the use of the with section }
%% generate error
\score { \new Staff { \override NoteHead.color = #red } { e' f' g' a' } }

%% Your music now becomes treated as illegal source code because
%% it's syntactically a "second positional parameter".
%% However, if you move the music in with the "first positional parameter":

\markup { without the use of the with section }
\score { \new Staff { \override NoteHead.color = #red \mus } }

\markup { without the use of the with section }
\score { \new Staff { \override NoteHead.color = #red e' f' g' a' } }

\markup { without the use of the with section }
\score { \new Staff { e' f' \override NoteHead.color = #red g' a' } }


If you really want a python example; when you
"skipped the   with   section" by deleting "\with"
what you did was like changing:

with fileinput.input(args, mode='rb') as theinput:
  for bytestring in theinput:
    nbytesscanned += len(bytestring)
    linenum += 1
    for k in bytestring:
      maxchar = max(maxchar, k)
      if k not in firsts: firsts[k] = linenum
      counts[k] = counts.setdefault(k,0) + 1


fileinput.input(args, mode='rb') as theinput:
  for bytestring in theinput:
    nbytesscanned += len(bytestring)
    linenum += 1
    for k in bytestring:
      maxchar = max(maxchar, k)
      if k not in firsts: firsts[k] = linenum
      counts[k] = counts.setdefault(k,0) + 1

Python now has no idea what to do with the word "as".


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