2016-04-04 23:58 GMT+02:00 David Sumbler <da...@aeolia.co.uk>:
> Just a thought - perhaps one day somebody who understands Lilypond well
> might write a section for the docs, starting with the basic

Well, the full quote:

LilyPond treats input like this:

\relative {
  c''4 a d c

as shorthand for this:
> \book {
>   \score {
>     \new Staff {
>       \new Voice {
>         \relative {
>           c''4 a b c
>         }
>       }
>     }
>     \layout { }
>   }
> }
> structure shown in LM3.1.1 (what happened to \bookpart I wonder)

The example shows how LilyPond treats the input.

If you do:

bk =
\book {
  \score {
    \new Staff {
      \new Voice {
        \relative {
          c''4 a b c
    \layout { }

#(write-me "book? " (ly:book? bk))
#(write-me "book-parts present: " (ly:book-book-parts bk))

You'll se that _no_ bookparts are created. So the example _is_ complete.
Why mention bookpart if not present, same for other stuff like
ChoirStaff, ChordNames, DrumVoice, etc, etc

Btw, bookparts _are_ books. See:
bkprt =
\bookpart { \score { \new Staff { cisis'1 } } }

#(write-me "book? " (ly:book? bkprt))

They are differently treated, though...

In general I think we would do our users a favor to emphasize the
recommendation to use the various display-functions more prominently.

I do it all the time, sometimes writing special ones, like earlier in
this thread.
If I don't understand things, I first display them, always, sometimes
every little detail...
Works great form me.


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