2016-04-16 16:30 GMT+02:00 Trevor Daniels <t.dani...@treda.co.uk>:
> Thomas Morley wrote Friday, April 15, 2016 11:25 PM
>> Agreed. I never considered to disallow tuplets over line-break.
>> Gould has nothing to say about it? (I still don't own the book...)
> She has a complete chapter devoted to tuplets.  She talks of tuplets
> across barlines (can be sub-divided with a tie or not, whichever is
> deemed to be most helpful) but with no explicit mention of tuplets
> across a system break, as far as I can see.

Thanks for the info.

> But if the tuplet is sub-divided across a barline, and that barline is
> at a system break, then all that is needed is a tied note extending
> across the break.  LP supports this already.

Though, I'm not aware we have a built-in-functionality to do this in
an automated way.
We_ have_ the completition_Head_engraver (or however it was
spelled...), but it's of kind all or nothing.

Nevertheless, I think I'll disregard something like

\score {
  \relative c'' { \tuplet 3/2 { c2 b \bar "" \break a } }
  \layout { line-width = 50 }

as a far too extreme border-case.

But here something really annoying, look at the out put of

\relative c''' {
  \repeat unfold 12 \times 2/3 { a'4 b, c \noBreak }
  \repeat unfold 12 \times 2/3 { a,,,4 b' c, \noBreak }

You'll see the bracket already _wraps_ around the stems in the upper
staff, but not in the lower one. Furthermore this changes for the
upper staff, if not so tight spacing is forced or for lower pitches.
And again in the staff below the TupletBrackets doesn't change their
behaviour while doing loose spacing or higher pitches.

My codings for a tuplet-curve instead of a bracket rely on the
default-bracket. Up to now the behaviour of the brackets is hard to
predict with a reasonable coding, I guess a bug is in the game.


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