Kieren MacMillan <> writes:

> Hello all,
> I have a score where (e.g.) a 12/8 measure is broken up in different ways
> depending on the staff (see attached screenshot).
> Currently, I’m coding this as a \markup on the first note, and then using
> #'X-offset to align it to the time signature. But this requires 
> trial-and-error, and
> the alignment changes slightly almost every time the layout changes.
> Is there any way that I can either:
> 1. use \mark instead [so that I can use the auto-align features of
> RehearsalMark], but have it appear only on the Staff it’s added to; or
> 2. attach a TextScript directly to the TimeSignature [so that I don’t have to
> manually tweak the #’X-offset]
> ??

Well, I don't think that time signatures would be able to take text
scripts but you can modify their grob:

\new Staff
  \tweak stencil #(grob-transformer 'stencil
                   (lambda (grob sten)
                    (grob-interpret-markup grob
                     #{ \markup \override #`(direction . ,UP)
                        \dir-column \center-align { \stencil #sten Yoohoo! } 
  \time 12/8

David Kastrup

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