On Wed 27 Apr 2016, Chris Yate wrote:

> To be honest, I'd suggest you ignore the people that whinge about HTML
> emails, top-posting, etc. For the 20-something years I've been using the
> internet there's always been pedantic arses on mailing lists that would
> rather beat people up about the format of emails and people's grammar and
> spelling than answer the damn question.

> On 27 Apr 2016, "Andrew Bernard" <andrew.bern...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Although I started this thread, it was purely because David Wright had
> > mentioned the difficulty to another user, as he had to me. I am not the one
> > complaining! Wanting to be considerate of all folks on the list I took some
> > effort to configure my Outlook in Office 365 to produce the correct output
> > for HTML and plain text email with internet quoting style replies. It can
> > certainly be done. There is no reason to ask people to stop using Outlook.
> > What has changed is that its current default behaviour is the opposite of
> > the past, and I was attempting to alert people to that. Even I was unaware.
> > In my opinion, internet etiquette would suggest that one be considerate
> > of the community of mailing list users, and try to accomodate everyone as
> > best one can. I can’t see why this is not desirable. Or perhaps I am
> > completely obsolete, and etiquette in general is now considered old
> > fashioned.

> With all due respect, considerate is as considerate does. Shouting and
> screaming because you use some obscure tool that doesn't work the way 99%
> of the internet messaging tools in use work, and expect people to be
> accommodating of you, isn't considerate.

> ...to be clear
> I understand not everyone uses the same tools and we have different needs.
> The thing that tends to rile me is the tone of the complaints.

I have in the recent past posted (the first being the "Exhibit One"
of this thread):

"Please can you quote in a way that's visible in text clients, not just HTML 

"Please configure your client to post a text equivalent of your HTML code."

Perhaps you could help me improve the tone of these sentences as I
don't want to be accused of shouting and screaming.


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