2016-05-02 10:20 GMT+02:00 Malte Meyn <lilyp...@maltemeyn.de>:
> Hi list,
> the tie from the f' in the following code goes too far right as if the f'
> wasn’t shifted because of the g' (see attachment). Is this a bug? Any ideas
> for a workaround?
> %%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.19.40" % 2.18.2 and earlier
> \language "deutsch"
> \relative {
>   \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
>   \grace { h8~ f'~ g~ }
>   <h, f' g h'>1
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%
> Malte

At least it's ugly.

\shape will not work without other settings - same problem sometimes
happens with tied chords.


  \time 2/1
  <b f' g' b''>1~
  <b f' g' b''>1

As far as I understand TieColumn steps in and sets certain values, not
always the best ones.
To circumvent use in-chord Ties with direction-modifiers and throw
'positioning-done with value '():

  \time 2/1
  <b_~ f'_~ g'^~ b''^~ >1
  \once\override TieColumn.positioning-done = #'()
  <b f' g' b''>1

Now \shape is usable. Your example could be like:

\relative {
  \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
  \grace {
    g-\shape #'((0 . 0.6) (0.25 . 0.8) (0.75 . 0.8) (1 . 0.6)) ^~
    \once\override TieColumn.positioning-done = #'()
  <b, f' g b'>1


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