I have some boiler-plate markup that I use in 16C music to show the lyric 
repeat sign they use: a small circle, 2 lines and another circle.  This is 
what I use, split into separate lines and commented:

\once \override Lyrics.LyricText.Y-extent = #'(-10 . 10) % stops 
collisions with stems
\set lyricMelismaAlignment = #CENTER % keeps the symbol centred
\markup { \raise #1 % shifts it up
{ \draw-circle #0.1 #0.1 ##t % draw the first circle
\raise #1 { \draw-line #'( 0 . -2 ) } % draw first line
\raise #1 { \draw-line #'( 0 . -2 ) } % draw second line
\draw-circle #0.1 #0.1 ##t } } % draw final circle
_ _ _ _ _  % one underscore for each note in the lyric repeat 
\unset lyricMelismaAlignment % reset alignment

I was hoping to replace this with a function to make the copying and 
pasting less of a problem.  Ideally, I would have something like:

lyr = \lyricmode { Word \LyRep #5 next word }

And the LyRep command would use the commands above to draw the repeat sign 
and add 5 skips.  Problem is, I can't currently get close to making this 
work.  I can draw the symbol with a define-markup-command, but don't know 
how to deal with the skips.

Help appreciated.

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