----- Original Message ----- From: "David Kastrup" <d...@gnu.org>
To: "Phil Holmes" <m...@philholmes.net>
Cc: <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2016 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: Further scheme help, please

"Phil Holmes" <m...@philholmes.net> writes:

Thanks David.  This is what I have:

LyRep =
#(define-music-function (n) (number?)
   \once \override Lyrics.LyricText.Y-extent = #'(-10 . 10) % stops
collisions with stems
   \set Lyrics.lyricMelismaAlignment = #CENTER % keeps the symbol centred
   \markup { \raise #1 % shifts it up
     { \draw-circle #0.1 #0.1 ##t % draw the first circle
     \raise #1 { \draw-line #'( 0 . -2 ) } % draw first line
     \raise #1 { \draw-line #'( 0 . -2 ) } % draw second line
     \draw-circle #0.1 #0.1 ##t } % draw final circle
   $@(make-list n #{ \lyricmode { _ } #})
   \unset lyricMelismaAlignment

When I run it, I get the output I want, but with the following error
in the log file:

Definitions.ly:111:5: error: markup outside of text script or \lyricmode

   \markup { \raise #1 % shifts it up

LyricTest.ly:27:21: error: error in #{ ... #}

                   \LyRep #4

Any idea why?

Oops.  I overlooked the \markup being lyrics already.  So you probably
need to put a \lyricmode { ... } around it as well.

David Kastrup

Thanks again. As it turns out I'd just finished one verse and had gone off to cook dinner. As I started on the spuds I wondered whether putting lyricmode around the markup would work (I had tried other things). Got back to the PC and your suggestion was above. I put that in and the error disappears. I obviously need to do more potato peeling.

Phil Holmes

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