On Sat 04 Jun 2016 at 18:38:33 (+0000), Mike wrote:
> tar: ./usr/lib/libltdl.so: Cannot create symlink to `libltdl.so.7.2.0':
> Permission denied
> If it weren't for that "./", I would have interpreted the above as trying to
> create a symlink in /usr/lib (where I cannot do it) linking into
> ~/lilypond/usr/lib/libltdl.so.7.2.0 (I can see that file there).
> To illustrate what I think might be happening:
> [~]# ln -s ~/lilypond/usr/lib/libltdl.so.7.2.0 libltdl.so
> [~]# ls -l libltdl.so
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 guilioco guilioco 49 Jun  4 12:35 libltdl.so ->
> /home1/myusername/lilypond/usr/lib/libltdl.so.7.2.0*
> [~]# ln -s ~/lilypond/usr/lib/libltdl.so.7.2.0 /usr/lib/libltdl.so
> ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/lib/libltdl.so': Read-only file system
> [~]#

It was not the best advice to say don't use a prefix. That tries to
install it exactly where you cannot: under /usr/local.

First cd to your home directory. Then issue the command:

bash path/to/lilypond-2.19.42-1.linux-x86.sh --prefix lilypond-

where bash is some shell, and lilypond will be installed under

Avoid using absolute pathnames (though that doesn't matter in
path/to/lilypond-2.19.42-1.linux-x86.sh). Avoid ~ as bash understands it
but not every shell does. Excuse my installing a newer version than
2.18.2, but what you should see is:

$ bash /home/debian/non-debian/lilypond/lilypond-2.19.42-1.linux-x86.sh 
--prefix lilypond-

lilypond installer for version 2.19.42 release 1,
i686 build.
For a list of options, abort (^C) then do:
sh /home/debian/non-debian/lilypond/lilypond-2.19.42-1.linux-x86.sh --help

You are about to install LilyPond in
A script in /home/david/lilypond- will be created as a

Press ^C to abort, or Enter to proceed.

Making /home/david/lilypond-
Making /home/david/lilypond-
Creating script /home/david/lilypond-
Creating script /home/david/lilypond-
Creating script /home/david/lilypond-
Creating script /home/david/lilypond-
Untarring /home/debian/non-debian/lilypond/lilypond-2.19.42-1.linux-x86.sh
To uninstall lilypond, run


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