On Sat 04 Jun 2016 at 20:30:08 (+0000), Mike wrote:
> > First cd to your home directory. Then issue the command:
> > 
> > bash path/to/lilypond-2.19.42-1.linux-x86.sh --prefix lilypond-
> Thank you so much for trying to help, but unfortunately I'm getting the same
> errors, after executing this in my home dir:
> [~]# bash lilypond_install/lilypond-2.18.2-1.linux-64.sh --prefix lilypond
I can't understand this. It looks like root's prompt, not a user's.

> [...]
> tar: ./usr/lib/libgs.so: Cannot create symlink to `libgs.so.8.70':
> Permission denied
> [...]

Please post all the output. It ought to be about 40 lines at most.
If there are lots of error messages beyond that, you could snip
after the first one or two.

What is the output of:

$ md5sum lilypond_install/lilypond-2.18.2-1.linux-64.sh

Is it precisely:

143a646f90740f4daa754a20eb34005d  lilypond_install/lilypond-2.18.2-1.linux-64.sh

What is the output of:

$ pwd ; ls -l lilypond/usr/lib/libgs* lilypond/usr/etc/fonts/conf.d/

(Run these commands in the same home directory as before. You don't
need any privileges to run them.)


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