"Br. Gabriel-Marie | SSPX" <brgabr...@sspx.org> writes:

> In my music script I want to use this:
> \new Lyrics \with { instrumentName = "1." shortInstrumentName = "1." }
> However, I would like to make a function out of it.  I'm looking at
> this page:
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/learning/saving-typing-with-variables-and-functions
> and this is what I have come up with, but I know this isn't right. Can
> someone correct this for me?
> Basically, I want to do this:
> \new Lyrics \verseNumber #1
> and have it create this:
> \new Lyrics \with { instrumentName = "1." shortInstrumentName = "1." }
> verseNumber = #(define-music-function(parser location whatnumber)(
> number?) #{  \with { instrumentName = #whatnumber "."
> shortInstrumentName = #whatnumber "." } #}

You need define-scheme-function here, and you cannot just put numbers
and strings next to each other and hope that LilyPond will somehow make
a string from that.  You could try #(format "~a." whatnumber) here.

David Kastrup

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