2016-07-01 7:05 GMT+02:00 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com> writes:

>> %% works:
>> tstII =
>> \with { instrumentName = "foo" shortInstrumentName = "foo" }
>> \new Staff \tstII { r1 }
> Issue 4911 is supposed to harmonize this by stopping the second example
> from working.  This makes it possible to recognize the syntax without
> knowing the type of \tstII in advance (could be a music expression,
> leading to completely different structure).

I'm in two minds here.
Hormonizing code is always preferable, but being able to spare the
extra \with would be nice as well.
To join both while letting it recognizable I tried:

#(defmacro-public define-with-function rest
 `(define-syntax-function ly:context-mod? ,@rest))

tstI =
#(define-with-function ()() #{ \with { instrumentName = "-name-" } #})

\new Staff \tstI { r1 }

Doesn't work.
A mistake somewhere or is it all rubbish?

>> %%(3)
>> #(define (set-instrument-names-to-number-string nmbr mus)
>>         (if (eq? (ly:music-property mus 'name) 'ContextSpeccedMusic)
>>             (ly:music-set-property! mus 'property-operations
>>               (list
>>                 (list
>>                   'assign
>>                   'instrumentName
>>                   (format #f "~a." nmbr))
>>                 (list
>>                   'assign
>>                   'shortInstrumentName
>>                   (format #f "~a." nmbr))))
>>               mus)
>>             mus)
>> tst =
>> #(define-music-function (nmbr mus)(number? ly:music?)
>> (set-instrument-names-to-number-string nmbr mus))
>> \tst #3 \new Staff { r1 }
> Hm.  At the current point of time, destructuring expression requires
> Scheme programming.  And absorbing \new Staff into \tst #3 makes things
> much less flexible (\context Staff = "..." just becomes impossible
> then).

Wasn't aware of this problem. Thanks spotting it.


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