Please see the code fragment below.


In measure 2, I want to shorten the stems of the first two beamed notes.


I tried using \override Stem.detail.beamed-lengths, but I cannot get it to


Can someone point me in the right direction?


Thanks for any help that you are willing to provide.


Joe Srednicki


\version "2.19.39"

\language "english"

global = {\time 2/4 \key d \minor }

<< \global \relative c'


    \stemDown <g' cs g'>4 <cs g'>~ |

     \override Stem.details.beamed-lengths = #'(1) <cs g'>8. <g cs g'>16
\revert Stem.Details <g cs g'>16 (<f cs' f>) <f cs' f> (<e cs' e>) |




    \skip 4 g'4~ |

    \once \override = #'no-flag g'8. \skip 16 \skip 4 |



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