2016-07-04 23:44 GMT+02:00 Br. Gabriel-Marie | SSPX <brgabr...@sspx.org>:
> Okay, fellas, I have a problem with this stanza code then.
> When I plug it into my script, this code numbers every word as well as every 
> line.
> I've attached a minimal example along with the include and my pdf output.
> Maybe I'm doing it wrong.
> \header {  title = "Stanza Test"  }
> \include "stanza-number-every-line.ly"
> verses = \new Voice = "verses" \relative c' {
>     \time 4/4
>     \key c \major
>     a4 b4 c4 d4 | e2 f2 \bar "||"
> }
> wordsOne = \new Lyrics  \with \numberLyrics 1 \lyricsto "verses" {
>  Here are some words to sing
> }
> wordsTwo = \new Lyrics \with \numberLyrics 2 \lyricsto "verses" {
> And line up with them -- selves
> }
> wordsThree = \new Lyrics \with \numberLyrics 3 \lyricsto "verses" {
> See the stanz -- as line up in place
> }
> \score { <<
>        \new Staff{   \verses }
>        \wordsOne
>         \wordsTwo
>        \wordsThree
>         >>

%% try:
  \layout { \keepLineStartStanzaNumbers }

> }
> On 7/4/2016 2:15 PM, Thomas Morley wrote:
> 2016-07-04 18:49 GMT+02:00 Br. Gabriel-Marie | SSPX <brgabr...@sspx.org>:
> Gabriel-Marie, attached you'll find the most recent coding. It indeed needs a 
> newer devel-version because of `ly:item-get-column'-usage David, thanks a lot 
> for your research and findings. Your suggestions are all implemented leading 
> to geat simplifications. In `keep-at-line-begin' I added some fool-proof. 
> Regrettable StanzaNumber does not respond correctly for 'break-visibility... 
> Thanks, Harm


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