On 5 Jul 2016, at 10:03 , Martin Tarenskeen <m.tarensk...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

> Hi,
> In the following example, how can I write a slur that starts at the end of 
> the first \alternative to repeat the corresponding slur from the pickup bar?
> I hope my question/example is clear.
> Martin
> %%%%
> \version "2.19.44"
> music = \relative {
>  \partial 4
>  c'8( d | % this slur is OK
>  \repeat volta 2 {
>    e4) g g4. a8 | g4 e c4. d8 |
>  }
>  \alternative {
>    { e4 e d c | d2. c8( d | } % this slur is not allowed?
>    { e4 e d d | c2. }
>  }
>  \bar "|." }
> \score {
>  \new Staff {
>    \music
>  }
>  \layout {}
> }
> %%%%

 Hi Martin,

I think you forgot the ) after the e4 in the 3rd bar of \alternative.
Anyway, this works for me, but I'm not sure it is what you want.
BTW, I use TeXShop as the editor and it seems more forgiving than some other 

Best regards,
Robert Blackstone

\version "2.19.44"
\relative {
 c''8( d e f~ f2~ | f8) f e d c2 |

%What's wrong here ?

\version "2.19.44"

music = \relative {
 \partial 4
 c'8( d | % this slur is OK
 \repeat volta 2 {
   e4) g g4. a8 | g4 e c4. d8 |
 \alternative {
   { e4 e d c | d2. c8( d | } % this slur is not allowed?
   { e4) e d d | c2. } % ) added after e4
 \bar "|." }

\score {
 \new Staff {
 \layout {}

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