On Tue, 5 Jul 2016, Robert Blackstone wrote:

Hi Martin,

I think you forgot the ) after the e4 in the 3rd bar of \alternative.
Anyway, this works for me, but I'm not sure it is what you want.

music = \relative {
\partial 4
c'8( d | % this slur is OK
\repeat volta 2 {
  e4) g g4. a8 | g4 e c4. d8 |
\alternative {
  { e4 e d c | d2. c8( d | } % this slur is not allowed?
  { e4) e d d | c2. } % ) added after e4


This draws a slur from the end of the first alternative ending to the beginning of the second alternative ending, which makes no sense (and you may even argue it's a bug that this does not give an error or warning message).

I need a (partial) slur at the end of the first ending to indicate it's slurred back to the first e' of the repeated segment. Just like the pickup bar (\partial 4) is slurred to that same note.



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