Hello Simon, and Lilyponders,

I agree with you Simon.

Now, I don’t want to be seen as a curmudgeon, but I just knew this would
spin out into this sort of thing at the very start.

As a person with a lot of experience in graphic design myself, I am sorry
to say that this whole business is regrettable. The problem with modern
computing is that suddenly everybody is a designer, everybody is a
typographer, everybody is a publisher, and the list goes on, because we now
all have the tools to do this sort of work. But what is usually lacking is
professional insight and vast experience. Making a logo by committee is, as
I pointed out in my early post, hugely time consuning and expensive of
people’s resources, and ends up universally in the lowest common
denominator product.

I still do not see why the web graphic waterlily has suddenly been assumed
to be the lilypond ‘logo’. I still do not see the need for a ‘logo’ for
scores. What publishing house puts logos at the bottom of pages? For a
start it is pure noise - the less noise musicians have to deal with the
better. Since lilypond is not a publishing house, you don’t need a logo for
covers (such as Henle etc).

I do not want to be coerced into using an amateur designed graphic in my
scores or work as part of my use of lilypond. Lilypond is fine without a
logo. A textual acknowlegement is surely adequate.

But if people have decided they must have one, then as Simon rightly
suggests, get a professional, experienced logo designer to do one, someone
with long practice in visual communications. But this seems to go against
the open source nature of the project.

One could always say that I am free to not use a logo, but this argument,
which will certainly be raised, is not valid in my opinion.

I also note that there does not seem to be consistency as to whether
lilypond is ‘Lilypond’ or ‘LilyPond’ or ‘Lily Pond’ or ‘lilypond’. That at
least needs to be straightened out.

Logos are for branding and marketing. Why do we need one?


On 5 August 2016 at 10:58:21 PM, Simon Albrecht wrote:

I think we should really designate a small team or maybe even one single
person to design the logo. It’s no good to have large e-mail threads
with everyone chiming in on their personal opinion. And it should be
someone with experience in the topic, a professional if we can have one.
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