I've installed LP 2.2.6 on RH 9.  Things work fairly well, except for
the following which I would guess is some sort of font problem:

No brace is printed to the left of a piano staff (even from some of
the precanned examples).  No dynamic markings, like p, pp, etc. are
printed.  Any suggestions about tracking down the cause?  No error
messages are given.  I do get lots of warnings from xpdf when viewing
the pdfs, about bad bounding boxes.
Victor S. Miller     | " ... Meanwhile, those of us who can compute can hardly
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    | be expected to keep writing papers saying 'I can do the
CCR, Princeton, NJ   | following useless calculation in 2 seconds', and indeed
    08540 USA        | what editor would publish them?"  -- Oliver Atkin

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