2016-10-20 10:51 GMT+02:00 Peter Nærum <peter.nae...@gmail.com>:

> I am trying to use Lilypond to notate Zapateado (footwork in flamenco). In
> the system I use, left foot is marked by a stem going down, while right
> foot has no downward stem. Notes have meanings like: f: flat tap, a: strait
> tap, c: heel tap, e: toe tap.  Besides there are two ways of using the
> heel: With the front foot on the flour and with the foot clear of the
> flour. The first case is marked with a dot in the a-position in the staff.
> I have included three small examples. Do any body have a clue if it is
> polible write these markings in Lilypond?
Here are some (incomplete) ideas you can use and adapt.

upprA={ \tuplet 3/2{ a8 e c }
      \tuplet 3/2{ a e c }
      \tuplet 3/2{ a e c }
      \tuplet 3/2{ a e c }

lowrA={ \tuplet 3/2{ s8 e s }
      \tuplet 3/2{ a s c }
      \tuplet 3/2{ s e s }
      \tuplet 3/2{ a s c } }

  {  \clef bass << \upprA \\ \lowrA >> }

upprB={ c8 c c c <<c4 c>> <<c c>> }
lowrB={ s8 c s c s4 s }

  {  \clef bass << \upprB \\ \lowrB >> }

upprC={ f8 c c c c c e c e c e c }
lowrC={ s8 s s c s c s c s c s c }

  {  \clef bass << \upprC \\ \lowrC >> }

doo={ \override NoteHead.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
      \override NoteHead.text = #(markup #:musicglyph "dots.dot")
      \omit Flag
      \omit Stem
      a' c'' e'' }

  { \doo }

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com
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