Has anyone a happier method of separating fingering from notes? I would
like to produce several versions of the same music using different
fingerings for different instruments.

For example, a melody might have four versions: one for violin, another for
viola, another for cello and another for double bass. In addition to
different clef and octave, each version would call for fingering
appropriate to that instrument, but the same file including the melody
would be reused in each version.

Right now if I separate notes in one \include file from fingerings in
another include file and combine them as separate voices, LilyPond doesn't
place the fingering voice with an awareness of the notes voice, leading to

In the version below, for example, the flageolet nearly touches the stem of
the A, and the 3 is almost fully covered by the notehead of the A an octave

My search of manuals, snippets, etc., hasn't turned up a good method.

\version "2.19.16"
\relative c'' {
    { \stemNeutral a4 c f a }
    { s^\flageolet s^\markup { \finger "↓2" } s^\markup { \finger "↓1" }
s^3 }
  g,^\flageolet c^\markup { \finger "↓2" } f^\markup { \finger "↓1" } a^3

Thank you!
Mark Mathias
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