On 07.11.2016 11:29, Urs Liska wrote:
Experience shows that
Lilypond won't print a rest shorter than 1/128 note, so maybe if I enter a
short enough silent rest Lilypond won't insert it at all in the score.
LilyPond doesn't know about notes or rests shorter than 1/128. This is
an arbitrary limitation into which I've also run occasionally.

That’s not true. LilyPond doesn’t have any _glyphs_ to represent notes or rests shorter than 1/128, but beamed notes work, and I don’t see why silent rests shouldn’t work as well. See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_hundred_fifty-sixth_note#Even_shorter_notes> and
<http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2015-09/msg00213.html> :-)

Best, Simon

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