On 07.11.2016 12:03, mclaren wrote:
This offers an example of the inadequacy of the Lilypond documentation. This
kind of limitation in Lilypond's output really should be featured
prominently somewhere in the basic info about entering note-values in the
Lilypond Learning Guide. One sentence would do: "WARNING: Lilypond has no
glyphs to represent note- or rest-values shorters than 1/128 note, but if
they are entered they will alter the score and appear as beamed values."  Or
something like that.

The Lilypond documentation is poorly organized and extremely incomplete.

First: I don’t quite understand your going back and forth between ‘I’m glad to have found this tool that can do things no other software can do’ and ‘this is total crap and I hate the people who had to make it so complicated’. Please try and make up your mind.

Second: LilyPond is an open source project, run by volunteers, many of them extremely skilful people who put a whole lot of time and great ideas into this. It’s not like you paid $600 for a piece of software and expect that it holds its promises, you are facing a community of enthusiasts who have no liability whatsoever to provide you any service. Also, you can’t just show up on the user list and start ranting about how bad the program and the documentation are, before even having understood its basics or taken some time to get acquainted. If you have a good suggestion on how to improve the docs, it will be welcome at least for discussion, but we have policies for that, and there are reasons why the docs are written like they are. It’s unlikely that your opinion will be valued if we get the impression that you aren’t into the proceedings of our community and don’t really know what you’re talking about.

Best, Simon

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