>From: Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>
>Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2016 3:35 PM
>If there was a single mentor for the new contributor, and if other
>people didn't make well-intentioned but ultimately misleading
>suggestions, we could have avoided 95% of this mess.

Dunno quite, but I gather you have far more experience in this area.

To me, a good web developer is someone with the technical skill of a computer 
programmer and the creativity and "style sense" of a graphic designer. I think 
people with those skill sets are rare indeed if they take kindly to being told 
how to do their own work in somebody else's way, and how and why their 
preferred methods are unsuitable for the job at hand. Couldn't offering a 
mentor leave the impression that the LilyPond community thinks they don't know 
their stuff?

This reminds me of a story from the early days of Drake Software, a major 
player in the USA income tax preparation market. Warren Drake, son of Phil the 
founder says, "We found it was much easier to take tax accountants and teach 
them computer programming than it was to take computer programmers and teach 
them about taxes." Maybe there's a parallel here: how about having the 
lilypond.org web development done by a current LilyPond documentation 
contributor (if any can be spared for the work) rather than trying to have an 
accomplished web developer learn the intricacies of the LilyPond documentation 
system? Or, maybe that is the current situation?
Karlin High
Missouri, USA
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