Karlin High <gne...@hotmail.com> writes:

>>From: Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>
>>Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2016 3:35 PM
>>If there was a single mentor for the new contributor, and if other
>>people didn't make well-intentioned but ultimately misleading
>>suggestions, we could have avoided 95% of this mess.
> Dunno quite, but I gather you have far more experience in this area.
> To me, a good web developer is someone with the technical skill of a
> computer programmer and the creativity and "style sense" of a graphic
> designer. I think people with those skill sets are rare indeed if they
> take kindly to being told how to do their own work in somebody else's
> way, and how and why their preferred methods are unsuitable for the
> job at hand. Couldn't offering a mentor leave the impression that the
> LilyPond community thinks they don't know their stuff?

More like they don't know our stuff.

David Kastrup

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