On Friday 12 November 2004 22.33, Tim Sawyer wrote:
> Thanks all, but I can't get it to work.
> I'm doing
> \begin[20pt]{lilypond}
>   \score
>   {
>     \notes
>     {
>       \time 4/4
>       \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'()
>       \clef bass
>       \stemUp
>      b1:32~b4^"L.V." r4 r2 b1:32~b4~<< \hideNotes b4 \unHideNotes r4 >> r2
> \bar "|."
>     }
>   }
> \end{lilypond}
> which is exactly what I want, except that the note between \hideNotes and
> \unHideNotes is not hidden!  I'm using 2.0.3 is that feature not available
> in my version?

Just a note: Roland's version works fine, however the \\ is not necessary. 
What I forgot was this:
b1:32~b4~<< \hideNotes b4 \unHideNotes r4 >> 
should have been
b1:32~b4~<< {\hideNotes b4 \unHideNotes } r4 >> 
Without the {}, \hideNotes is in some sense done _in parallel_ with the b4, 
not before, resulting in no notes being affected. It works OK when done that 
way (though the same warning occurs).

BTW, you may also want to use b4\rest instead of r4.


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