Robert Blackstone <> writes:

> Hi Richard,
> Thanks for your clarification. 
> My problem is: How does one know at which moment something, for
> example a slur, or the call for the grob "slur", is started? A case in
> point is \arpeggio. Naively one may think this command has to be
> placed before the notes, not after. Wrong! No idea why.
> I realise that my intuition is sometimes correct, or that up till now
> I've just got away with my mistakes.

When everything else fails, reading the manual might help.  And when
reading the manual doesn't help (the Learning Manual would likely be the
first thing to look at), complaining on the lists about where you would
have expected this information to be found might eventually help others
facing the same problem: namely when the manuals get corrected.

I have to admit that the manuals describe the constituents of a note
(pitch, duration, expressive marks) in isolation, and they describe how
more complex expressions are assembled using simultaneous and sequential
music expressions and contexts into an overall score.  But exactly what
combines into a single music expression that can then arranged in
simultaneous/sequential music: there is a noticeable dearth on that

> Maybe rules, general and/or specific, concerning the placement of
> commands, like \override and \tweak, can be found somewhere in the
> documentation, but so far I have not seen any.

For \tweak, this is better than for \override.  \slurUp falls into the
class of \override.

David Kastrup

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