Also, there appear to be unmatched << .  Is closing >> implied, or is
this just a short-cut  example?

The `>>` are there, but your email reader may interpreting them as a
quotation level (though there is no text in the quotation). Try copying the whole email into a plain text editor and then deleting the top part and footer that isn't in the code block. Klaus's email conveniently has the `%------` lines to mark the beginning and end of the code block.

Incidentally, this is may be why you're missing a `}` as well; the "quotations" are separating things so that you're not copying the whole code block. Your reply, for instance, in quoting Klaus's email doesn't contain the whole code block.
Br. Samuel, OSB
St. Anselm’s Abbey
Washington, DC
(R. Padraic Springuel)


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