On Fri, 2017-04-14 at 17:40 -0400, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Hi David,
> > 
> > That thread is now 8 months old, and I wondered what has happened
> > since.
> Unfortunately, not as much as one would hope…
> > 
> > Is some of it yet incorporated into the development version of
> > LilyPond?
> I’d have to look more closely, but my intuition is “yes”.
> > 
> > Is it likely to be included in the eventual LilyPond 2.20?
> I would think so.
> > 
> > What I really want to know is whether it would be worth my while
> > waiting a little longer before embarking on projects where these
> > techniques will be useful (and risking brain damage in the
> > attempt!) -
> > there is no actual hurry in my case.
> My very next engraving project is the one which inspired many of
> these threads — and subsequent feature requests and codebase
> improvements — in 2012 (e.g., http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilyp
> ond-user/2012-12/msg00425.html), and even before.
> If you can wait, I’m going to use that project — a small choral work
> with lots of shared and divisi parts — as a test of the existing
> functionality, an inspiration for some new code and/or feature
> requests, and ultimately a very detailed tutorial on the subject.
> Best,
> Kieren.

At the risk of being thought parasitic, I feel that this is the most
sensible course of (in-)action for me.  I'll hold off doing the piece I
intended to do and set something more straightforward in the mean time.
 My understanding of the workings and usage of LilyPond is vastly
inferior to yours (hence the number of my requests for help on this
list), so I would prefer to wait until things are a little more settled
and documented.  Your "very detailed tutorial" on this new
functionality sounds the very thing that some of us could do with.

None of the pieces I set have any urgency: they are my own
compositions, written between the 1960s and 1990s.  (I have not done
any composing in the last 20 years.)  The project to set these pieces
in LilyPond is simply one of several projects I dreamt up to occupy me
during my retirement, now that I have no day-to-day involvement with
the professional musical world.

If I never reach the end of the project, I'm sure that posterity won't
give a fig!  (And even if it did, the original manuscripts are still in
the drawer.)


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