Hi List,

 in the lilypond course at our school we encountered quite different
compile times for the attached score on Windows10 and linux.

The hardware is i7 laptops with comparable cpus (6500U and 5500U).

The measurements:

Windows 10, 5500U, 8GB Ram, Frescobaldi, lilypond 2.18.2:    7.0 seconds

Linux, 6500U, 20GB Ram, commandline, lilypond 2.19.48:       1.1 seconds

To me a factor > 6 seems unlikely to be related to the hardware. On
the windows machine it hangs for quite a while during "preprocessing
graphical elements..."

Does somene have similar experiences and could someone with a Windows
computer maybe compile the score and report back to the list so that
we can narrow down the culprit?

Is it the lilypond version or could it be a wrong setup?

Prof. Orm Finnendahl
Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst
Eschersheimer Landstr. 29-39
60322 Frankfurt am Main
\version "2.18.2"

\header {
   title = "Der Doppelgänger"
   composer = "Franz Schubert"

melody =  \relative c' {
  \clef treble
  \key b \minor
  \time 3/4  \tempo "Sehr langsam"
r2. |  r2. |  r2. |  r2. | 
r4 fis4 fis8. fis 16 |
fis2. |
r8. fis16 fis4 d8. b16 |
fis'4 fis r |
r8 fis fis8.[ g32 fis] e8 d|
cis8.[ fis16] fis4 r4|
fis4.. fis16 a8.[g16]|
fis2 r4|
r2. |  r2. |
r8. fis16 fis4. fis8|
g4(fis) r4|
r8. fis16 fis4 d8[ b] |
fis'4 fis r |
r8 fis8 fis4 e8 d |
cis4( fis) r |
fis8. fis16 fis4 \turn (a8.)g16 |
fis2 r4|
r2. |  r2. |
r8. d16 d4 d8 e |
fis2 r4 |
r8 fis fis b b8. b16 |
b4 ais r4 |
r8 d d4. d8 |
d4 cis r
r8 fis fis2~ |
fis4 fis,8. fis16 fis4~|
fis2 r4|
r4 d4.e8| g4 fis r|
r8. fis16 fis8 fis b8. b16|
b4 ais r4 |
r8. d16 d4. e8|
cis2 cis8 cis |
fis2 fis8 fis |
g4 r4 r|
r8 fis, fis4. fis8|
fis4 fis r |
r8 fis8 fis4 fis8 fis |
a4 fis r8 fis8 |
fis4. eis8 fis gis |
ais8. b16 ais4 r8 cisis,|
dis8. eis16 fis8 eis fis gis |
b4 ais r |
r r b |
fis'2~ fis8 e |
d2 d4 |
cis2 ( d8[ cis] |
e4. d8 cis4) |
b2 r4 |

r2. |  r2. |  r2. |  r2. | r2. |  r2. |  r2. | \bar "|."

text = \lyricmode {
Still ist die Nacht, 

upper = \relative c {
  \clef bass
  \key b \minor
  \time 3/4 
<fis b>2.\pp \(| <fis ais>2.|<fis d'>2.|<fis cis'>2.\)|
<fis b>2.\(| <fis ais>2.|<fis d'>2.|<fis cis'>2.\)|
<fis b>2. | <<{a2(fis4)} \\ {fis2.}>> % ligar as duas
<d fis a >2.\( | <ais' fis e cis>2.\)  | % Descresc
\clef treble << {fis'2~ fis8. a!32 g} \\ { <e ais,>2.} >> | <fis e a,> 2. |
%ligadura de valor
\clef bass
<fis, b>2.\(| <fis ais>2.|<fis d'>2.|<fis cis'>2.\)|
<fis b>2. |<<{a2 fis4} \\ {fis2.}>> % ligar as duas
<d fis a >2.( | <ais' fis e cis>2.)  | % Descresc
\clef treble << {fis'2~ fis8. a32 g} \\ { <e ais,>2.} >> | <fis e a,> 2. |
%ligadura de valor

\clef bass
<fis, b>2.\> | <fis ais>2.\! \>|<fis d'>2. \! \> |<fis cis'>2. \! \>| % Cresc. poco a poco
<fis b>2. \!  |<<{a2(fis4)} \\ {fis2.}>> % ligar as duas

<d fis a >2.\fff \> | <ais'~ fis~ e~ c>2.~ \ff \> | 

<ais fis e c>2. \! \decresc   %  FFz und
<b fis d >2. \p|<ais fis > | <d fis,> |
<fis, cis'>2. | 
<fis b>2. \!  |<<{a2(fis4)} \\ {fis2.}>>
<d fis a >2.\ff \> | << { <ais'~ g e~ c~>2. \fff | 
\stemDown<ais e c>2.\!  } \\ {s2. \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 1.5 \stemUp g2 ^(fis4)} >>  | % danach und decresc.
<b fis d>2. \pp \> | <c fis,> \!  \> | <cis fis,> \! \> | % cresc.
<d fis,> \!  \>  | <dis ais fis> 2.\ff \> |
<cisis ais eis> \ff \! \> |
<dis ais fis> 2. \! \>  |
<cisis ais eis> \!  \> |
<d b eis,> \ff \! \> |
<d~ b~ fis~> \fff \! \> |
<d b fis> \! |
<cis~ b( g~ e~> | <cis ais fis) e>  % legato?
<b fis d > \pp \( | <ais fis> | <d fis,> | <c g e>\)

<b~ a fis dis>( \ppp | < b g e >) %legato?

<b~ fis~ dis~> |
<b fis dis> \fermata \bar "|."


lower =  \relative c {	
 \clef bass
  \key b \minor
  \time 3/4 
  \set doubleSlurs = ##t
  <b fis b,>2.\( | <ais fis ais,> | <d fis, d> | <cis fis, cis>\) |
  <b fis b,>2.\( | <ais fis ais,> | <d fis, d> | <cis fis, cis>\) |
  <b fis b,>2.\( | <a! fis a,!>2\)( fis4) |
  <a fis~ d>2.( | <ais~ fis~ cis~> ) | <ais~ fis~ cis~> | <ais fis cis>  | % Legato?
  <b fis b,>2.\( | <ais fis ais,> | <d fis, d> | <cis fis, cis>\) |
  <b fis b,>2.\( | <a fis a,>2\)( fis4) | 
  <a fis~ d>2.\( | <ais~ fis~ cis~> \) | <ais~ fis~ cis~> | <ais fis cis>  |
  <b fis b,>2.\( | <ais fis ais,> | <d fis, d> | <cis fis, cis>\) |
  <b fis b,>2.\( | <a fis a,>2\)( fis4) |   <a fis d>2. |
  <ais~ fis~ c~>  | <ais fis c> |

 <b fis b,>2.\( | <ais fis ais,> | <d fis, d> | <cis fis, cis>\) |
 <b fis b,>2.\( | <a fis a,>2\)( fis4) |   <a fis d>2. |
                <<  { s2.  \slurDown \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 1.5 g2( fis4) }\\{ \tieUp <ais~ g~ c,~>2. | <ais cis,> }
                  >> % umkehren?
 <b fis b,>2. | <c fis, c>2. | <cis fis, cis>2. | <d fis, d>2. | <dis fis, dis>2. |
 <ais ais,>  | <dis fis, dis>2. | <ais ais,>  | < g g,> |
 <fis~ fis,~> | <fis fis,> |  <fis~ fis,~> | <fis fis,> | 
 <b fis b,>2.\( | <ais fis ais,> | <d fis, d> | <c fis, c>\) |
 <b~ b,~> | <b b,> | <b~ b,~> | <b b,> |


\score {
\new Voice = "mel" { \autoBeamOff \melody }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto mel \text
\new PianoStaff 
\new Staff = "upper" \upper
\new Staff = "lower" \lower


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