David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

> You could write
> \version "2.19.59"
> \relative c'{
>   \voices 3,1,2
>   <<{a'8 b b }\\{dis16[ e] e[fis] fis[gis32 a] }\\{fis,8[ g dis]}>> 
> }
> If you really want to use 2.19.58 instead of 2.19.59, the \voices
> shortcut will not be available.

Oops.  It's 2.19.60.  That's not even released yet.  So:

> So instead of writing \voices 3,1,2 before the << >> group, you replace
> your \stemXXX commands with \voiceThree, \voiceOne, \voiceTwo
> respectively.

David Kastrup

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