2017-06-05 22:12 GMT+02:00 Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Kieren,
> as far as I understand:
> 2017-06-05 17:43 GMT+02:00 Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>:
>> Hi Phil,
>>> I wonder whether it's down to Lily changing the voice during some quoted 
>>> passages?
>> Good guess… but I'm not [explicitly] using anything but single voices in 
>> this passage.
>> I've included, below, a M(?)WE which fails in a slightly different way than 
>> my "real-world" score. The particular way this snippet fails suggests [to 
>> me] that the \skip construct I'm using as the second parameter of 
>> \quoteDuring isn't playing nicely; that could also explain the (slightly 
>> different) failure in my "real-world" score. If this *is* the problem, it 
>> sort of makes sense… but I can't figure out another way to indicate the 
>> duration(s) I want quoted.
>> Cheers,
>> Kieren.
>> \version "2.19.60"
>> sop = {
>>   a'4 4 4 4 \break
>>   a'4 4 2 \break
>>   a'4 4 4 4
>> }
>> \addQuote #"sop" \sop
> the lyrics of sopL are all entered with default-duration:
>> sopL = \lyricmode {
>>   These are quoted words.
>>   These are not.
>>   Quote these a -- gain.
>> }
> and addQuote works with this default-duration.
>> \addQuote #"sopL" \sopL
>> alto = {
>>   \quoteDuring #"sop" s1
>>   f'4 4 2
>>   \quoteDuring #"sop" s1
>> }
> Now sopL-lyrics are quoted according to this *default*-duration.
> So the second quote is
> these a -- gain
> nothing else!

Ehrm, I used a slightly different snippet:

\version "2.19.60"

sop = {
  a'4 4 4 4 \break
  a'4 4 2 \break
  a'4 4 4 4
\addQuote #"sop" \sop

sopL = \lyricmode {
  These are quoted words.
  These are not.
  Quote these a -- gain.
\addQuote #"sopL" \sopL

alto = {
  \quoteDuring #"sop" s1
  f'4 4 2
  \quoteDuring #"sop" s1

altoL = \lyricmode {
  \quoteDuring #"sopL" \skip 1
  Not these ones.
  \quoteDuring #"sopL" \skip 1

mus =
  \new Staff \new Voice = "s" \sop
  \addlyrics \sopL
  \new Staff \new Voice = "a" \alto
  \addlyrics \altoL

sc = \score { \mus }

%% to get some more detailed info about the quotes:
%#(display-scheme-music (ly:score-music sc))

%\void \displayMusic \sopL


>> altoL = \lyricmode {
>>   \quoteDuring #"sopL" \repeat unfold 4 { \skip 8 }
>>   Not these ones.
>>   \quoteDuring #"sopL" \repeat unfold 4 { \skip 8 }
>> }
>> <<
>>   \new Staff \new Voice = "s" \sop
>>   \addlyrics \sopL
>>   \new Staff \new Voice = "a" \alto
>>   \addlyrics \altoL
> One could say the lyrics are quoted _before_ they are assigned to
> their corresponding note.
> You could circumvent it by entering durations in sopL. It wouldn't
> disturb addlyrics or lyricsto, afaik, but addQuote would have the
> chance to work as you expect. Though, I have my doubts you would want
> to do so.
> Cheers,
>   Harm

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