Hi all,

>> the lyrics of sopL are all entered with default-duration:
>> and addQuote works with this default-duration.

Ah… of course. Thanks.

>> You could circumvent it by entering durations in sopL. It wouldn't
>> disturb addlyrics or lyricsto, afaik, but addQuote would have the
>> chance to work as you expect. Though, I have my doubts you would want
>> to do so.

I'm working on this piece with an eye towards having, at the end of the 
process, a nice example/system/framework/method that I can share with the 
'Pond. As such, I guess I'll have to figure out which is more desirable: saving 
the effort of entering explicit durations, or having quotable lyrics.

[David K:]
> Entering lyrics with durations actually saves a lot of headaches

Beyond this issue, what other headache-savings can you point to?
If I'm ultimately recommending a more typing-intensive method to other users, 
I'd like to at least have some carrots to back up my stick**.

Thanks everyone!

**  Yes, I know I'm using this analogy in the modified (some would say 
"incorrect") modern sense…  ;)

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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